In a dystopian future, where corporate brands have created a disillusioned population, one man's effort to unlock the truth behind the conspiracy...
And again a heroes of "Yolki" series are ready and prepared for a New Year.
Six Degrees of Celebration 3
A merry New Year's comedy about how two opposites met and, contrary to their nature, fell in love with each other. And it was like this: a non-poor...
Spartakiad: Local Warming
The end of the fifties. A brave general, a confirmed bachelor and a desperate womanizer Anton Smybabov receives an order to get married within two...
Great Love
Dasha is in the eighth grade. She is a very ordinary girl, she has no mother, she lives with her father and younger sister Ulyana. Her father works...
Cinderella 4x4. Everything Starts with Desires
Contemporary Moscow. A publisher hires a band of hack writers to kill a famous author so she can steal his book. They find that committing a murder...
How often children do not find understanding on the part of adults, and older parents become a burden for their grown, busy children. The story of...
Little Runaways
Lyubanya, a hairdresser who has lost her job, and her eleven-year-old son find themselves in a difficult situation. She tries to borrow money from...
An Imperfect Woman