As members of ESWAT, the elite forces serving Olympus, Deunan and Briaereos are deployed anywhere trouble strikes. Olympus finds itself under a...
Appleseed: Ex Machina
The story mainly revolves on Nakoruru and her humanistic ideals: she believes that anyone with a heart has the right to live peacefully. Shiki,...
Samurai Shodown 2
A musical adaptation of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
The story of "Ring of Gundam" takes place in a new era long after the events of the first Mobile Suit Gundam series' One-Year War. In this world...
Ring of Gundam
Memories of Stray Wolves is an animated featurette recapping the stories of Fatal Fury: King of Fighters, Fatal Fury 2, Fatal Fury 3: Road to the...
Garou Densetsu 15th Anniversary ~Memories of Stray Wolves~
Kurumi is hired at a high-end hotel, but is instead dispatched to work at fun fair that is connected to the business network. The new work is out in...
Oz Land