The events revolve around Akram, who receives an invitation to attend a masquerade party. He decides to wear police uniforms, which causes him to...
The Suit
University graduate works as a school bus driver after failing to find a proper job, where he unexpectedly falls in love with a school teacher, who...
Captain Hima
This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult...
Three-Quarters Decent
A girl's turbulent past leaves her psychologically damaged.
Unruly Friends
A horror feature that tells the story of Ezz El-Din, who returns from abroad after many years, looking for his family, and while staying at his...
Day 13
Fares is a struggling gas station worker with a sports background, but circumstances force him to confront the brutality of businessman Rashid El...
The story of three officers who hide behind other characters (Sayed Al-Ace, Barq, and Abu Al-Lul) to enter one of the popular neighborhoods to arrest...
Sayed The Ace
Hassan is a college professor and his brother Tarek is a chemist who ends up working at a pickle factory. When tragedy strikes, both brothers...
Black February
عش العصفور
A police officer from Upper Egypt is transferred to Marina, where he runs into some problems. As he tries to prove himself to his boss, he starts to...
My Guide Dog
A group of young men meets a prostitute, who changes the course of their lives. The girl begins a new life, away from the parties and the corrupt...
A young man and a girl go through a love story during their studies at the same university, but due to the class disparity between them, both...
Marriage on Cellophane Paper
Khattaab al-Naggary is a widowed businessman who loves his daughter Habeeba and tries to keep men away from her. Officer Taarek, the almost perfect...
A Groom from a Security Agency
Four university friends are perpetually vulgar. When one of them falls in love with her neighbor, her mother who sells pickles disapproves. Her...
Talk To Mum
Follows the escape journey of 4 complete strangers who were accused of a murder they did not commit.
Forced Escape
The story revolves around Imad (Balia), who works as a mechanic in a poor neighborhood. He falls in love with a rich girl named (Donia), whose car he...
Belia We Demagho El Aliaa
As Mansour and Harby meet in the same prison cell, unresolved conflicts gradually ensue between the two as each tries to stand his ground, quite...
Cell 07