The events of the series revolve around the will of a wealthy father who passed away. He leaves a huge fortune to his children, placing a harsh...
Azzam's sons
Within a social dramatic framework, the events of the series revolve around a group of people who have several intertwined human relationships. It...
The club of broken hearts
As Amira and Ashraf prepare for their wedding, Ashraf invites his friends to his bachelor's party where a major event turns his life upside down.
A Wedding Ceremony
السلطان الحائر
Amal raises her brother Nasr after the death of her father and husband in an Israeli raid on Suez in 1956. Nasr grows up and joins the Egyptian...
48 hours in Israel
The Egyptian navy prepares for a crucial military operation to sink the Israeli destroyer Eilat. The mission is carried out by a group of officers...
Dignity Day
Zanouba is a poor maid, who is deceived by Ahmed, the son of her employer, after believing that he loves her. She returns broken to her neighborhood...
The Empress
Nawara marries Dardiry who finds out on his wedding night that he is impotent due to an accident he had when he was a child. When No'man, who has...
Passion And Blood