This film tells the story of a love affair that takes place in the Northeast in the early 1990s. Xu Tie, a young and exuberant private minibus...
The Northeastern Bro 2: Endless Love
The third chapter of the cult-classic fantasy saga: A Chinese Odyssey. At the end of 'A Chinese Odyssey 2', Zixia managed to see in advance the...
A Chinese Odyssey Part Three
During one of the missions, of the Wolf Pack squad led by Lao Diao who are engaged in overseas security work for a long time discovers that foreign...
Wolf Pack
Li and his wife A Yu run a small business in Thailand and enjoy a happy home life with their two daughters. When their eldest daughter is violently...
Sheep Without a Shepherd
In 1905, revolutionist Sun Yat-Sen visits Hong Kong to discuss plans with Tongmenghui members to overthrow the Qing dynasty. But when they find out...
Bodyguards and Assassins
Zhu Tong is at the bottom of his class and is mischievous. Ten thousand fantasies appear in his little head every day. However, one day, he found...
Day Dreaming
The film focuses on hot topics such as midlife crisis, family responsibilities, care for the elderly, and children's education. The younger brother;...
Look Up and See Joy
Keep Rolling
An elite group of Chinese pilots must take part in a dangerous mission to thwart a terrorist plot and resolve a hostage situation.
Sky Hunter