Biopic of Date Masamune. Young Masamune upon learning of the death of Nobunaga decides that he is the man to fill those sainted clogs. The fastest...
Date Masamune: The One-Eyed Dragon
Film sequel of "Hello! Spank" anime series
Hello! Spank
Tadateru Matsudaira, the sixth son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, was exiled for not taking part in the attack on Osaka Castle. 10 years before his exile...
Wind Whistle in Field, Demon Sword: Matsudaira Tadateru cutting the world
A historical chivalric drama with tears and laughter, telling the story of Jirocho Shimizu's family, his confrontation with Katsuzo Kurokoma's...
History of Jirocho Shimizu
Japan's greatest jidaigeki star, Mifune Toshiro is Shogun's Advisor Okubo Hikozaemon who must be coaxed out of retirement to save Shogun Iemitsu from...
The Retired Samurai
Yasuko, a housewife, lives in an urban high-rise apartment with her husband Satoru and her son Takuto. Annoyed by spam calls and door-to-door...
A detective who shoots and kills the younger brother in a sibling robbery becomes mentally ill because he believes his brother is going to kill him.
Devil in broad Daylight: The targeted Housewife
Having been demoted for failing to prevent the murder of one of his superiors, Mondo is startled by a group of masked thugs who are soon attacked in...
Sure Death 4
Inspector Totsugawa Series 54 - The Woman of Sunrise Izumo
After polluting their own planet beyond repair, a race of evil aliens target earth as their next home. Now it is up to a lone outcast and his robotic...
Space Warriors Baldios
Two young men are recruited into the Japanese air force just before outbreak of WW2 by the test pilot of Japans new super fighter - the Zero. The...