Once an average and seemingly ordinary Tokyo girl, she suddenly finds herself as a TV star owing to her discovery by a casting company, which noticed...
Kin no tamago: Golden Girl
The film looks back at the life of a man named Oda and other Japanese Americans through the decades as they face great challenges and joys living in...
Hito Hata: Raise the Banner
Michiko Asakura was married to the eldest son of the Sakuma family, an unsealed family in Shinshu, but died from her husband and returned to her...
Aijô ni tsuite
Sekidô matsuri
Melodrama by Kon Ichikawa
Wedding March
A film by Kiyoshi Saeki
Duel in the Sun
Michiyo lives in the small place Osaka and is not happy with her marriage; all she does is cook and clean for her husband.
An ingratiating bride develops warm ties to her father-in-law while her cold husband blithely slights her for another woman.
Sound of the Mountain
Teacher Yukiko finds herself in opposition to conservative faculty and villagers after defending a student for being in a relationship with a young...
The Blue Mountains: Part I
A married couple looking for an apartment move in with the husband's co-worker, a widower. The husband becomes jealous of the widower and his wife.
Husband and Wife
Fumiko, mother of two children and wife of an unfaithful man, shares her family life with her budding vocation as a poet. The beginning of her...
Forever a Woman
Mokichi is the widowed father of three daughters, with whom he lives on the premises of a temple since the war. All three daughters become involved...
The Moon Has Risen
Assistant President
The story of five sisters.
Five Sisters
Urban love comedy in which Koji Tsuruta, who works for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Parks and Greenery Department, plays love shepherd to a...
Wedding Season
This little seen early work by Ichikawa was produced during the director's Shintoho period (1947-51). Written by Kaneto Shindô and featuring...
Pursuit At Dawn
1949 drama film
A Woman's Face
The story of a lovely "maiko" who bloomed in Gion. Three half-sisters play out a tale of tearful love between father and daughters against the...
祇園物語 春怨
Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to...
Drunken Angel
Riyo, an orphaned 17-year old, sails from Yokohama to Hawaii in 1918 to marry Matsuji, a man she has never met. Hoping to escape a troubled past and...
Picture Bride
Kiyoko (Takamine Hideko) and her husband want to open a coffee shop. She becomes increasingly close to the bank clerk (Mifune Toshiro) she's asked...
A Wife's Heart
Three humorous love stories set in rural Japan.
Conduct Report on Professor Ishinaka
Portmanteau film about young lovers.
The First Kiss
A math teacher loses his job while falling in love with a local girl.
Mr. Pu
The film depicts the exploits of Kindaichi Kosuke, who pursues a series of serial murders that occur one after another along with the terrifying...
The Devil comes and plays the Flute
Continuation of The Blue Mountains: Part I. Released a week later.
The Blue Mountains: Part II
A woman looks after her father in law.
The Twilight Years
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine...
Tokyo Sweetheart
To Love and Forgive
Wakai musumetachi
Wakôdo no uta
An Ishiro Honda film. The second part of A Rainbow Plays in My Heart released the same day as the first film.
A Rainbow Plays in My Heart: Part 2
The woman prison has a cast all with a story of their own and with no dull or routine day. There is an employee who is divorced after her husband had...
Women in Prison
A story of a passionate teacher and his great effort for the children in a poor village.
The Yamabiko School
An Ishiro Honda film. The first part of A Rainbow Plays in My Heart released the same day as the second film.
A Rainbow Plays in My Heart: Part 1
Youth of Heiji Senigata
Set at the end of World War II and after Japan's defeat, it is a melodrama about a man and a woman at the mercy of war. Wataru is entrusted by his...
Girls in the Orchard (1953) is about tension between the life of a family in a rural area with all the traditions (continuing family business, taking...
Girls in the Orchard
In a small town, according to the homecoming of Professor Ishinaka, the youth culture group was overwhelmed to make a presentation for the summer...
Meeting of the Ghost of Apres-Guerre
The fifth entry in the Company President Series
The Third President
Mr. Lucky
A man who seemed to have found happiness with a wife and child loses his wife and his daughter gets married... A man's life, full of joy and sorrow,...
Morishige, where are you going?