A giant monster sends a town's citizens into a panic, except for a girl named Yuki and her schoolmate Tetsu. Tetsu happens to have his own strange...
Following Oorai's victory over Saunders, the school's next opponent is Anzio. This is an OVA which covers the battle of Oorai versus Anzio, which was...
Girls und Panzer: This Is the Real Anzio Battle!
Arisu War! takes place after the events of the movie, about Arisu transferring to Ooari High School.
Girls und Panzer der Film Special: Arisu War!
Korasho no Kaitei Wakuwaku Daibouken! Movie
Sequel of Aikatsu! Music Award: ... SHOW! Screened alongside Aikatsu Stars! The Movie.
Aikatsu! ~Aiming For the Magic Aikatsu Card~
The story of the anime revolves around Ichigo, who was just a normal middle school student until she suddenly got involved in the world of idols. The...
Aikatsu! The Movie
Student Yuki has never seen one of the giant monsters she always hears about on the news and that threaten her city. But when she meets the lethargic...
Cencoroll Connect
When the Ministry of Education goes back on its promise to keep Ooarai Girls Academy open, the task of saving the five-mile-long Academy Ship from...
Girls und Panzer der Film
Depicts the "civil war" at BC Freedom High School, caused by pastry. Special OVA included in Girls und Panzer das Finale: Part 2 release.
Girls und Panzer das Finale OVA: Taiyaki War!
Despite having the upper hand, BC Freedom High School suffers a thorough defeat at the hands of Ooarai Girls Academy. Following their victory, the...
Girls und Panzer das Finale: Part II
Rumor has it that Momo Kawashima, former student council member at Ooarai Girls Academy, is bound to repeat a year. Having failed her university...
Girls und Panzer das Finale: Part I