On a quest to find the comic book he’s been searching for his entire life, an adventurous 17 year-old travels to Tokyo and discovers a world in...
As the Trost District is reclaimed from the Titans, Eren is taken under the wing of Captain Levi and his squad, who decide to try and teach him to...
Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
Eren Yeager and others of the 104th Training Corps have just begun to become full members of the Survey Corps. As they ready themselves to face the...
Attack on Titan: The Roar of Awakening
In the fourth recap movie, episodes 1-59 of the anime are retold, compiling the first three seasons of the anime into one two hour event.
Attack on Titan: Chronicle
When man-eating Titans first appeared 100 years ago, humans found safety behind massive walls that stopped the giants in their tracks. But the safety...
Attack on Titan: Crimson Bow and Arrow