The story is divided in three portions. The Kamen Rider Wizard portion, Kamen Rider Wizard: The Promised Place, taking place after the finale and...
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Gaim & Wizard: The Fateful Feudal Movie Wars
Brought on by popularity for the series, this DVD Special feats. two half-hour side stories that take place during the events of the show. Both...
Kamen Rider Gaim: Gaiden - Zangetsu And Baron
Kamen Rider Duke: Ryoma Sengoku continues his research of the Sengoku Drivers along with Takatora Kureshima. Takatora thinks that the lives of...
Kamen Rider Gaim: Gaiden - Duke And Knuckle
Kouta is taken into a new version of Zawame, where soccer teams aim to win the All Rider Cup. The reward: The golden fruit. A strange man named...
Kamen Rider Gaim the Movie: The Great Soccer Match! The Golden Fruit Cup!
When a friend from his yakuza past gets released from prison, a loan shark and his former-male-host sidekick help the ex-con get back on his feet.
Stray Dogz 4
Set in the year 3000 in New Tokyo where this time round, human beings with blood type B are being targeted.
The Chasing World 3
Riko is 27, working as a love simulation game designer, and she no longer has big expectations for a man in her life. One day app company TIMEIS,...
My Long Awaited Love Story