Set in 2020 in the Shibuya neighborhood of Tokyo, the story revolves around Hachi, a boy who fled to the Japanese capital from his hometown of...
A road movie about Yoko, a frustrated part-time worker who hitchhikes to her hometown of Hirosaki, Aomori, where she has not returned for 24 years,...
Eimi, who came to Tokyo after graduating from junior high school, invites her sister Yu, who lives in her hometown of Shiga, to move to Tokyo with...
Unfeigned Happy Ending
A kind man aspires to become a manga writer, but villains and evil deeds do not come easily to him, for he has little experience or natural...
It depicts two high school girls trying to change the atmosphere of the world with their ideas by setting up a camera in the town and transmitting...
The Pretenders
Tsukasa Naruse works as a detective. He is enthusiastic with his job. To catch criminals, he sometimes breaks rules that detectives should follow....
Offbeat Cops
Shuhei passes the telephone booth installed on the side of the railway and goes home. It was a family reunion once a week, but an odd couple who...
Over and Over Again
Rino believes that "the man of her destiny" is Jun who always disappears from her whenever she feels their love for each other. In their lifetime,...
Undead Lovers
Oda Nobunaga and Nōhime were originally married to mend a hostile relationship between neighbouring regions. Unfortunately, they were like oil...
A visit to the employment office, practicing dance steps, making music with friends: several women’s everyday lives are captured in long shots...
Remembering Every Night
Set after the war in Japan, when the country experienced rapid economic growth, Kikuo is born into a yakuza family. His strange fate leads him to be...
National Treasure