The movie focuses on the little-known life and death moments of Chinese peacekeeping police! At the request of the United Nations and dispatched by...
Formed Police Unit
Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and...
On Planet K, unknown to anyone on Earth, three teenagers chosen by fate can travel back and forth twenty years into the future by sneezing. In the...
Escape from the 21st Century
Wang Tiemei, a single mother, loses her job and moves, befriending neighbor Xiaoye who appears cheerful but is depressed. Their bond grows as Tiemei...
Her Story
A group of performing art troupe members each face their own trials and tribulations in Chengdu; from escaping a family scandal to dealing with...
I Dedicate My Youth To You
Pu Songling, a legendary demon hunter, is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearances of young girls from a small village. When he discovers...
The Knight of Shadows: Between Yin and Yang
He Xiaoyang, who is single for four years, is mistaken as head girl Guan Xin‘s love interest by accident. To get rid of He Xiaoyang, Guan Xin...
Dude's Manual
Based on real life events, the film is set in January 1949 and focuses around a group of soldiers involved in the final stages of the Battle of...
This movie tells 6 stories of how people interact with their pets to find love.
In the 1990s, two girls and a boy enter a booming society with the hope of fulfilling their many dreams.
Wild Grass
A story revolving around two friends with very different personalities - the no-nonsense and rebellious Weiyang and the idealist 'Princess' Qiao....
August Never Ends