Taking its title from an archaic Japanese word meaning "ghost story," this anthology adapts four folk tales. A penniless samurai marries for money...
Eighteen-year-old Isamu works at a coffee shop. Rebelling against his father, he eloped with Momo (Yasuko Tomita). One night, Isamu injures a...
Moonlight Rabbit
Temari, a geisha, dreams of opening a small restaurant with her little brother.
Women and Miso Soup
Based on an autobiographical novel by Toshiko Takagi, set close to the end of World War II
Tokyo Air Raid Glass Rabbit
Second part to "River Without a Bridge" (1969)
River Without a Bridge Part 2
After an encounter with a dying yakuza's son and at his sister Sakura's urging, Torajiro attempts to change his vagrant lifestyle and become an...
Tora-san's Runaway
Set at the end of the feudal period. A woman spends most of her early life in prison, incarcerated by political opponents of her father. When she is...
A Woman Called En
It's a Psychic, Gather Everyone!
A drama by director Masaharu Segawa.
Yosakoi Journey
This is the DVD version of the TV show, which consists of a single video that plays the first and last episodes of the tv show bridged by an edit...
It's Tough Being a Man (Television Drama DVD Edit Edition)
In the aftermath of a major earthquake, scientists predict that Japan will sink into the sea. As further disasters follow, politicians plead with...
Japan Sinks
An evil feudal lord rapes a village girl on her wedding night and proceeds to ruin her and her husband's lives. After she's eventually banished from...
Belladonna of Sadness
River Without a Bridge
An old man has to move to his son's new house. His wife is hospitalized and cannot move together. A few days after moving, he decides to go back to...
When We are Old
A 19-year-old girl Hiroko Terasawa working in a matching agency promises her client Masakazu Sekine that she'll pose as his fiancée for a...
Kekkon Annai Mystery
A private detective is hired to find a missing man by his wife. While his search is unsuccessful, the detective's own life begins to resemble the man...
The Man Without a Map
A girl from a wealthy family falls in love with a working-class boy.
The Girl in Glass
Ushibuka in Amakusa City prospered a century ago with its fishing industry and red-light district, but has become Japan's fastest declining city....
Women's Dream of Amakusa: Revitalizing Geisha Town
Japanese drama film.
Ame no meguri ai
Two born rivals plot a new start after a string of ups and downs.
Life is a Battle
A man who survived the war carries the will of his comrades in arms, walking across the country visiting the bereaved families.
My Voiceless Friends