The story tells the story of a collusion between Hong Kong police and criminals in 1973, under the instigation of the British, they embezzled huge...
Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong
The film tells that the catastrophe era, the earth is a waste land, the survivors are divided into wanderers and civilians, they are attached to the...
Interstellar Wandering
A series of murdering arose in SuZhou village, and the civilians only could see the white skeleton soldiers left at the scenes. Di, RenJie is the...
Detective Dee and Skeleton General
In order to protect the Chinese Ao Jue and the Invincible War, Jin Ao passed the Chinese Ao Jue guide to Hua Yingxiong when he met with danger. Hua...
A Man Called Hero
During the Soong Dynasty, a beautiful woman named Liu is searching for a husband, but is unable to find one until she hears the avant-garde poetry of...
The Lion Roars
Set in 1930s China, the film details the trials of a group of athletes who desire to compete in the Olympic Games. There’s a snag, however. The...
In the parallel universe, compared to our universe, there are exactly the same people. Yan Alai from the parallel universe came to our universe after...
Equal and Universe Love