After graduating from the "New Emperor" high school, which was famous for its legendary fists, he receives a secret offer from an old friend. After...
For The New Emperor
In Chinatown, law and order is turned upside down when a trio of feral Chinese gangsters arrive, start terrorizing civilians, and usurping territory....
The Outlaws
A corrupt prosecutor plans for revenge against Hyun-jung's crime organization by using her loyal partner, Sang-hoon.
A Special Lady
Jang Se-chool is the boss of a gang. He has been in love with Kang So-hyun for the past 3 years, even though she constantly rejects him and tries to...
Long Live the King
A former arm-wrestling champion raised in the U.S. returns to South Korea for a tournament that could return him to glory, but he finds his life...
Ma-nim (Kim Jeong-ah-II) becomes a widow after her husband dies from sickness and she arrives at Bukgando to get remarried. Her new husband is a...
A shady cop finds himself in over his head when he gets caught between Internal Affairs and the city’s corrupt mayor.
Asura: The City of Madness
As the characters gather together in a mountain cottage trying to fulfill each one's own purpose, a brutal war begins among them.
After a traumatic event, a drug trafficker turns sides and conspires with a dangerously ambitious undercover police officer to bring down the...
Dong-chul and Ji-soo are a happily married couple. One day, Dong-chul comes home to find his house in disarray and his wife missing.
A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out...