The movie takes place between Seasons 1 and 2. The Green Forest Village hosts a festival in celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the large tree...
Kuru Kuru and Friends: The Secrets of the Rainbow Tree
Bungaeman: The Beginning
Miniforce: Raid of Hamburger Monsters
In a world where toys have become unpopular, villain Billy Willy sets up a terrifying plot to kidnap YouTubers and blow them into space. One million...
Super Wings: Maximum Speed
Miniforce, a special task force of elite rangers, takes on the Lizard Army to save Earth before it’s too late, in this prequel to the TV series.
Miniforce: New Heroes Rise
Zenos, who once made whole universe feared, has returned to Earth to take back his power. He exploits sadness of humans as his source of power. Zenos...
Miniforce X
Boing, The Secret of Super Transformation
Astro Gardener
On the eve of the annual Running Man competition, the players race against one another through a series of challenges to obtain the ‘Super...
Running Man: Revengers