A beautifully told story using archival footage to explore the life of Grande Otelo, a groundbreaking Black Brazilian actor. Overcoming poverty and...
Othelo The Great
"Negro em Mim" is an investigative documentary with black artists and thinkers in Brazil today. A portrait of a plural Brazil from the racial...
Negro em Mim
Five segments about the hardships faced by people living in slums on hills in Rio de Janeiro.
Cinco Vezes Favela
In the set of a cine-biography featuring his own life & legacy, ABDIAS NASCIMENTO (aged 89) discusses aspects of Brazilian Negro cinema with the crew.
UFO falls on a hillbilly's hencoop and he tries to sell it. Soon international missions are sent to the place, for there's a suspicion it might be...
The Man of The Sputnik
The life of Abdias Nascimento, a prominent black activist born in 1914, whose contribution and political engagement throughout the 20th century are...
Abdias do Nascimento - Memória Negra
In 1988, the centenary of abolition of slavery in Brazil, Zózimo Bulbul made this powerful historical analysis of racial issues in his...
A documentary on the influence that carnival has on the daily life of the Mangueira hill in Rio de Janeiro. It follows the manufacture of the...
Fala Mangueira!
The African deity that brought in Brazil Together with the blacks, Exu is known as the orixá of communication, the guard of the streets and...
Exu Rei - Abdias do Nascimento
A look at the Brazilian black movement between 1977 and 1988, going by the relationship between Brazil and Africa.
Through clippings, the film draws a narrative line between the construction of racism in Brazil and the United States, having as base the European...
De Cabral a George Floyd: Onde Arde o Fogo Sagrado da Liberdade
Between scenes from his concert in São Paulo's oft-inaccessible Theatro Municipal, rapper and activist Emicida celebrates the rich legacy of...
Emicida: AmarElo - It's All for Yesterday