Spoofing the hit television series Survivor, six young women are sent to a tropical island along with game show host Cliff Probate (Lenny Juliano).
Bare Naked Survivor
Four sorority sisters recently visited Bare Wench Mountain and disappeared, prompting five of their beautiful, busty chums to set out on a quest to...
The Bare Wench Project 2: Scared Topless
Penthouse: Pet of the Year & Friends
Fifth and final entry in this softcore spoof series follows Bare Wench 1-3 and the greatest hits release Bare Wench: Uncensored (2003), which was...
The Bare Wench Project 5: The Final Chapter
In this sexy parody, six bodacious babes battle it out on the island of Butta Cheeka to be the last scantily clad woman standing.
Bare-Naked Survivor Again
Like angels fallen from heaven, never before have so many naturally perfect models appeared together in one show. These captivating and exotic women,...
Natural Nude Beauties
When summer’s here and the time is right for dancing in the streets, it’s also time to grill out and spill out like the naked softcore...
The Lusty Busty Babe-A-Que