Karma tells the story of a group of three childhood friends: Koffi, Chris, and Ahmess. While building his career as a rapper, Ahmess decides, on the...
Because he wanted to protect his little brother, Teddy, a young man without a history, is accused of the murder of his father and sent to a closed...
Abdoulaye is a suburbanite of about twenty years old. When one of his brothers dies after a road accident, he takes care of transporting the body...
Inspired by the 2005 riots in Paris; assigned to work alongside unethical police veterans Chris and Gwada in the' Anti-Crime Brigade, Brigadier...
Les Misérables
Mitraillette is 12 years old and lives in Rose City, a housing estate he would not leave for anything. His whole world comprises his family,...
Asphalt Playground
Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated...
Les Gorilles