The film's events revolve around a group of outlaw friends who engage in criminal and suspicious activities, but it leads them to major crises with...
Try (Zizi Badrawi) to convince her son, an interior decorator Abdullah (Hani Salama) to marry, with the help of his friend and his partner (Amr...
A Whole One
Farid is an elusive individual renowned for his absence rather than his presence. He gained fame through the alias "Mr. Ex," as he became sought...
Mr. Ex
Based on the best-selling novel of the same title. Dr. Shukri Mokhtar is a renowned social psychology specialist, best known for his ability to...
Hepta (The Last Lecture)
Four brothers committing crimes with a promise among them to stop someday. When a deal goes south, the older brother says it's enough, but the other...
Sons of Rizk
Hisham and Hadia, who work at the same advertising agency, an invitation to spend a vacation in Marsa Alam, in a resort owned by Sherihan. Hisham...
Everyday's Lie
A girl's turbulent past leaves her psychologically damaged.
Unruly Friends
When a series of seemingly random people are murdered, baffled police search for a iller who may have a connection to them all.
The role of the movie is about two friends, one travels to a European country And The Other One combat To blind girl falls in love and when return to...
Light of My Eyes
A band of thieves get together and begin planning the heist of a lifetime. Will they succeed or will their planning be in vain?
Theif Prank
Three years after the events of the first film, the four brothers are trying in various ways to preserve the covenant they made to themselves to stay...
Sons of Rizk 2
Years have passed since the brothers have separated in their different ways of life. But one day, a ghost from the past returns to cast a shadow over...
Sons of Rizk 3
Magdy is a quiet, unassuming Taxi driver. When Magdy's wife becomes seriously ill all of Magdy's piteous earnings go to the escalating health costs...
The Price
Khamis is a terrible football player, while playing football with his friends he shoots the ball away and broke an abandoned museum's window. After...
World War III
When five kids are abducted on their way to school, the parents turn to the police, but their grandmothers decide to their matters into their own...
Apple of my Eyes
Sequel to the movie Shaqow (2024).
Shaqow 2: Shabinch Marrakesh