The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one...
Charlie Valentine
When he discovers his girlfriend having sex with his brother, Frankie decides to head to Manhattan, leaving his Bronx pizza shop forever for the fame...
Kiss Me, Guido
A group of friends rob a bank to solve their money problems and attract the attention of a crime syndicate and a crooked cop.
When a seemingly abandoned alien spacecraft is discovered orbiting Neptune, a top secret expedition is sent to investigate. In the derelict hulk they...
Alien Rising
The true story of Madalyn Murray O'Hair -- iconoclast, opportunist, and outspoken atheist -- from her controversial rise to her untimely demise.
The Most Hated Woman in America
The story is set in the latter days of World War 2, against the backdrop of fierce combat on the eastern front. Brother's War is based on real events.
Brother's War
When Andy hears his girlfriend Lauren sigh after sex, he panics. But even with the help of his friends, porn stars and tantric experts, he continues...
How to Make Love to a Woman