The story revolves around the king Vikramaditya, who promises to save the princess of Kashmir, appoints Kalidas as court-poet, and his fight against...
Valmiki is a movie directed by Bhalji Pendharkar featuring Shanta Apte, Prithviraj Kapoor.
A biopic based on the life of social reformer and revolutionary activist Jyotirao Govindrao Phule - who aspired to attain equality for the people and...
Mahatma Phule
Prince Sudhirchandra goes into hiding as an infant when his father gets overthrown by Naagraya, a greedy minister. After 20 years, Sudhirchandra...
Agnikankan: The Branded Oath
An anti-imperialist version of the Vishnu Purana legend tells of the villainous Kans plotting to marry Devaki to Dikpal, commander of Magadh's army....
It is a melodrama about tlie rich and callous Vilas who abandons girlfriend Shama when he discovers that she is pregnant. She raises her son Nandu...
Vilasi Ishwar
The hypocritically pious philanthropist Dinanath (Pendharkar) drinks alcohol claiming it to be holy water, womanizes and swindles people in private.
The plot revolves around a boy called Shyam and his relationship with his mother. It shares the effect Shyam's mother has had on Shyam's life and...
Shyamchi Aai
Diwakar is a poet and loves his wife Jamuna on everything. But Jamuna does not agree that Diwakar lives out of sheer poetry in a fantasy world and...
Ayodhyecha Raja, literally "The King of Ayodhya", was the first Marathi talkie. It is based on the mythological story of Raja Harishchandra of...
Ayodhyecha Raja
An incident from Mahabharata wherein the Pandavas were exiled.
Keechak Vadh
To capture the fort of Javal, Shivaji assigns the job to Bahiriji Naik. Manjula Mohite, a fearless girl who is desired by Kedarji of Javal, works...
Manjula of The Mohits
After a failed conquest, Emperor Ajaatshatru pretends to be a soldier in the enemy's army to weaken them from the inside. However, he falls in love...
Based on the legend of Tanaji Malusare.