Lawyer and widowed father of three, Allen, struggles to piece his life back together, while managing both roles of being a parent. Allen will receive...
Just in Time for the Holidays
Five years ago, the family member of a man named J Cash was executed as a result of bad business. The murder was ordered by ruthless drug lord, Big...
Triple D Revenge
Set to a vibrant landscape, 'April' follows the emotional up-and-down journey of a full-of-life high school girl, named April (played by Celine...
A deranged killer known as Mr. Sleep takes retribution on a group of insomnia patients who he believes stole his memories.
Mister Sleep
A former elite Marine Corps Intelligence operative haunted by traumatic memories. When his trusted psychiatrist is murdered by a ruthless gang,...
Revenge Protocol
Kem, inheriting her late drug-dealer father's debt, faces double trouble when she's a week late with payment. Trained in martial arts, she escapes...
Bad Ass Sista
Follows Hazel King, a single mother determined to protect her daughter from the life she once had while defending and protecting those who can't...
Buried in Barstow