In 2005, to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the "Cut Killer Show" aired on Nova and Skyrock, Cut Killer released a DVD bearing the same name as...
Cut Killer Show
A documentary at the heart of French rap: its beginnings, its history, its influences. Featuring exclusive interviews, freestyles, and live...
Rap Attack
Portrait of the "battle phenomenon" in the Hip-Hop scene in France. In recent years, these artistic confrontations have been multiplying across...
3 childhood friends who have never left their hometown in the suburb try to get into porn as a way of earning easy money.
Porn in the Hood
After a chaotic night of rioting in a marginal suburb of Paris, three young friends, Vinz, Hubert and Saïd, wander around unoccupied waiting for...
La Haine
A police officer who's transfered in the police of Marseille gets assigned to take down a group of Italian robbers who drive the powerfull Ferrari's...
Taxi 5
A mute female dancer who wows audiences in club competitions but can't get Broadway jobs because of her handicap, develops a "voice" when a young...
The Dancer
On Sunday 8 September at Stade de France, the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games officially drew 11 days of competition to a close....
Paris 2024 Paralympic Closing Ceremony