"Notorious" is the story of Christopher Wallace. Through raw talent and sheer determination, Wallace transforms himself from Brooklyn street hustler...
Kaitlin Olson (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) stars opposite Jon Dore in this hilarious heist comedy written and directed by Jason and Randy...
Held Up
The crew of the nuclear submarine USS Ulysses rescues supposed victims of a boat disaster, but the victims turn out to be terrorists intent on...
Crash Dive
A retired thief swears revenge on the lunatic who murdered his brother and partner, while going on the run with the loot they stole.
City of Industry
After budget cuts and personal demons forced him off the streets of San Pedro, Detective Nick Terry's beat became the classroom, where he patrols the...
Sunken City
Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but...
City by the Sea
When the daughter of a psychiatrist is kidnapped, he is horrified to discover that the abductors' demand is that he break through to a young woman,...
Don't Say a Word
Ivy Morgan, a college student in New Orleans, falls for Ren Owens, the last person she expected to enter her rigidly controlled life.