An erotically charged thriller composed of three short films. “In Our Darkest Moments” mixes wry humor and tense drama as it chronicles...
Like a Moth to a Flame
Payton Collins’ life is being played out in his mind – his teenage years, his failed marriage, scenes violent sex, and the debauchery and...
Payton Collins: Serial Rapist
With a spoof on the famous Dateline NBC show playing in the background, this crime thriller - a la Hitchcock interlaced with wry humor - is a fun...
To Fetch a Predator
A top-secret operative is summoned back to service in order to dispatch with an enemy agent who is preying on American soldiers in Hong Kong. The...
Moon Over Hong Kong
In this funny and erotic mockumentary, director Toby Ross takes an out of the box look at homosexuals - dividing them into two major groups: those...