The seemingly endless possibilities of dating apps send a group of friends into a whirlwind of sex, jealousy, and self-doubt in this ensemble comedy...
The Browsing Effect
A man and a woman find their orbits repeatedly colliding over the course of 12 years, four planets, three dimensions and one space cult.
Molli and Max in the Future
A genre-defying mixture of horror, sci-fi, myth, mystery and thrills told as four interlocking tales in one intelligent anthology. Ghosts, spirits,...
The Dark Tapes
In Los Angeles, on Halloween night, a hitman tries to transport a corpse in plain sight, but people he stumbles upon on the street, believing that...
The Body
A family calls in an intervention for Benjamin, a kid who is doing drugs. Soon, it becomes clear that those who are confronting Benjamin's problem...
A crime photographer gets involved in a conspiracy.
The Public Eye
Comedian and actor Rachel Bloom muses on birth, death, cosmic uncertainty and pungent trees in this whimsical and reflective musical comedy special.
Rachel Bloom: Death, Let Me Do My Special