The life story of traditional Irish folk singer Joe Heaney, who is estimated to have recorded in excess of 500 traditional Irish sean nós...
Song of Granite
During WWII, a German soldier kills a stranger and subsequently falls victim to a cycle of supernatural encounters.
Dead of Night
Orphaned in Africa as a child, Lilly escapes to England as a refugee, fleeing civil war in Ethiopia. Lost in this cold new world, Lilly embraces the...
Sweetness in the Belly
November 1940, during the greatest conflict man has ever known, an epic duel unfolds between two ace pilots, each willing to take the match to it's...
The German
A couple's vacation to Ireland transforms into a nightmare as a virus spreads from slaughtered animals to humans, causing the dead to rise and feast...
Dead Meat
Two ten year-old boys are detained by police under suspicion of abducting and murdering a toddler.