"The Prodigy" tells the story of small-time enforcer Truman Fisher's vicious conflict with a sadistic assassin who has chosen the unwilling Truman to...
The Prodigy
Lonely gay teenager, McClain, struggles to fit in with his classmates in a small, conservative Colorado town. After he's severely beaten at school,...
The Sensei
After terrorist take over a museum, a Reformed Jewel Thief must decide if he should help them steal a priceless diamond or if he should save the day.
The Vault
In 1971, after being rejected by Hollywood, Bruce Lee returned to his parents’ homeland of Hong Kong to complete four iconic films. Charting...
Be Water
Bruce Lee is universally recognized as the pioneer who elevated martial arts in film to an art form, and this documentary will reveal why Bruce Lee's...
I Am Bruce Lee
After the death of his grandmother, Tom Lee discovers he is part of a long lineage of magical protectors known as the Guardians. With guidance from a...
The Tiger's Apprentice
25 years ago visionary filmmaker George Lucas showed us an astonishing world of podracing, Midichlorians and battle droids, and now weesa gonna...
The Naboo Movie
The Daywalker known as "Blade" - a half-vampire, half-mortal man - becomes the protector of humanity against an underground army of vampires.
The fantastic story of how an ancient martial art, Chinese kung fu, conquered the world through the hundreds of films that were produced in Hong Kong...
Iron Fists and Kung Fu Kicks
Oscar has dedicated his life to the well-being of his disabled son, Billy. When Oscar is diagnosed with cancer, he forges a plan to train his son the...
The Paper Bag Plan