The film's events revolve around a group of outlaw friends who engage in criminal and suspicious activities, but it leads them to major crises with...
The events revolve around Yahya, a soccer player, and his wife Misk, a gynecologist. The couple has been trying for many years to have a baby, but...
Hamel El Laqab
The film follows the lives of the twins Tag and Haroun, who go through many crises as their supernatural abilities cause many paradoxes to occur.
A horror feature that tells the story of Ezz El-Din, who returns from abroad after many years, looking for his family, and while staying at his...
Day 13
Based on the best-selling novel of the same title. Dr. Shukri Mokhtar is a renowned social psychology specialist, best known for his ability to...
Hepta (The Last Lecture)
(Khaled Degwy) who are enrolled in one of the terrorist groups that the killings, believing they are fighting for the sake of God, and when his...
Detention Letter
A family and businessman (Adam) is accused of running a criminal empire while he denies the accusation by being the one who take criminals down.
Son of Adam
Follows the escape journey of 4 complete strangers who were accused of a murder they did not commit.
Forced Escape
Hisham and Hadia, who work at the same advertising agency, an invitation to spend a vacation in Marsa Alam, in a resort owned by Sherihan. Hisham...
Everyday's Lie
Samir Abo El-Nil (Ahmed Makki) lives in a local neighborhood where he gets into problems with its residents because of his stinginess . When his...
Samir Abu el Nil
When businessman Sherif (Ahmed Ezz) reports his wife's Sara (Ruby) mysterious disappearance to the police, investigation led by officer (Mohamed...
The Party
Ali, the fugitive from a murder he does not even know whether he committed it or not, sets out to uncover truth with the help of his friend, the...
30 March
A comedy that revolves around the experience of marriage, and if husbands can go back in time will they marry their wives again?
Al-Baa'd La Yazhab L Al-Ma'zoun Maratayen
The story follows a young man who gets to know a girl and causes her many problems. But when he's exposed to an accident, his life takes a drastic...
One Second
Ahmed, a quirky marriage counselor, is heartbroken when his wife, Eman, receives bad news from her doctor. To make sure their daughter has a loving...
El Hana El Ana Feeh