Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake...
Benji, early 30s, is getting ready for his first date with the woman he loves, but as his preparation goes on, strange little creatures appear and...
Four ogres meet in a restaurant, run by trolls, where they are accustomed to having a feast.
My Dear is Tender
How do you define dubbing? What characterizes this field? These actors with golden voices have marked several generations of audiences, in movies,...
Les artisans de la voix : Les coulisses du doublage français
Bas les pattes
Titeuf - Vol. 1 - Une star est née
Titeuf - Vol. 8 - Le coup de foudre
Titeuf - Vol. 7 - SOS récré
Titeuf - Vol. 5 - Nadia beurzday
Titeuf - Vol. 4 - Les poux attaquent !
Titeuf - Vol. 3 - Raclette partie
Titeuf - Vol. 2 - L'encre dédébile
Documentary on the French dubbing industry. A journey through pop culture, the power of voice, artificial intelligence... French dubbing actors of...
On a volé ma VF
An origin story of how three high school girls became, like, totally spies.
Totally Spies! The Movie
Two children, Pierre and Jeanne, register their father into a televised contest of papas storytellers. Terrified, Laurent, the father, will have to...
The Storytelling Show