In 1980, Terry Fox continued his fight against bone cancer with the pursuit of a singular, motivating vision: to run across Canada. Three years after...
Into the Wind
As artist Michael Venus prepares for the 20th year of “Wiggle,” his annual DIY wearable art event, we take a look back at Michael and The...
They Came from Venus
A young woman loses her umbrella in a café altering her perception of the world forever.
My Love, My Umbrella
Coupland discusses life, time and personal identity in the late 20th century. He surveys the aural and visual landscape using personal and corporate...
Douglas Coupland: Close Personal Friend
Through the lens of graphic design, “Design Canada” follows the transformation of a nation from a colonial outpost to a vibrant and...
Design Canada
While Douglas Coupland works on a grand art project about Canada, the writer recounts his life and his musings about the various aspects of Canadian...
Souvenir of Canada