A short film that explores gay male psychical intimacy, with some explicit nudity scenes. Matt, a gay man in his late twenties, navigates the lonely...
Inflatable Swamp
Matthew Bourne choreographs this version of Tchaikovsky's ballet performed at Sadler's Wells Theatre. Bourne sets the first part of the story in...
Matthew Bourne's Sleeping Beauty: A Gothic Romance
Boys On Film presents the tenth volume in the world's most successful short film series. All boundaries will be broken as Boys On Film X promises to...
Boys On Film X
Glyndebourne's Saul stole the summer and had critics raving. The Guardian (****) applauded virtuoso stagecraft from director Barrie Kosky in his...
This new Christmas ballet film was conceived by Matthew Bourne and directed by his long standing film collaborator Ross MacGibbon. The film...
Matthew Bourne's Christmas
New York, 1971. There’s a party on the stage of the Weismann Theatre. Tomorrow the iconic building will be demolished. Thirty years after their...
National Theatre Live: Follies