Inspired by a true story, Invincible recounts the last 48 hours in the life of Marc-Antoine Bernier, a 14-year-old boy on a desperate quest for...
On a cold winter's day in 1940, Jules and his family move to live with his uncle, mayor of a settler's village in northern Quebec. He is banned from...
Adventures in the Land of Asha
A fantasy anthology of 15 segments each dealing with a specific neighbourhood of Montreal and its signature idiosyncrasies. This terrifying...
Montréal Dead End
During the holidays, Denis finds himself spending Christmas dinner with his lover Carl's family. Fiercely Catholic and stubbornly traditional, Carl's...
Ruby Full of Shit
With the help of a gruff old neighbor, a little girl from Limoilou, blessed with a fertile imagination, sets out to make her father happier.
Blue Sky Jo
Jean has not spoken to his mother for 5 years. However, she has just committed suicide and he has to return to Belgium to settle his estate. While...
The Mirror
The story of a lively and curious kitten who is bored in his life as a domestic cat in Paris. His fate changes when ten-year-old Clémence...
A Cat's Life
When the disappearance of children and bloody murders multiply in a small mountain village, an old legend shrouded in sulphur reappears... Commander...
The Soul Eater