Bezos chronicles the true-life story of Jeff Bezos-a humble yet awkward entrepreneur on his mission to create Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce...
In this modern adaptation of Rapunzel, a young girl who has lived her entire life in a room catered by her mother, the infamous scientist Dr. Gothen,...
Rapunzel: A Princess Frozen in Time
Todd is the story of a man who has always felt like the "odd man out." From a young age, Todd is shunned and ridiculed by his peers. Over time his...
A savvy but overlooked real estate developer in New York is tasked with closing the deal of a lifetime with an eccentric billionaire in her small...
Christmas Cowboy
In a parody of "Game of Thrones," nobles from the Eight Kingdoms gather for Purge Fest 3000 to try and put an end to their violent conflicts, while...
Purge of Kingdoms