In the mid-20th century, a troubled relationship between Germana, a young writer, and Quina, her aunt who lives in the northern Portuguese...
A Sibila
Follows Hugo as he takes a gap year and returns to Porto to regain balance with his family, but he attends a concert by Luís Stockman, who...
A writer immerses himself in his work La muerte del payaso and becomes a hostage of impossible dreams. Between crimes and hallucinations, between the...
A pedra sonha dar flor
Tiago doesn't understand the internet. Rita doesn't understand people. Tiago is a 5th and 6th grade History teacher who, against the will of his...
Eddie and Manecas are two great friends. But they are also extremely stupid.
Tiro e Queda
In a rural landscape, that resembles an old Portugal, an elderly man find out that his wife, whom he believed to be dead, was seen shopping in town....
A mockumentary with an actual documentary inside, tells the unusual story of Artist António André's (Triple A). With Arcos de Valdevez,...
Triple A
In the forties, in a little settlement lost amidst the mountains of Trás-os-Montes, Leonardo tries to survive by buying and selling marten and...
Cold Land