Hugo Claus rewrote and directed Friday as the cinematic version of his original 1969 play of the same name. Just as in the play, the story begins...
Ostend, Belgium. In a decadent seaside hotel, Stefan and Valerie, a newlywed couple, meet the mysterious Countess Báthory and Ilona, her...
Daughters of Darkness
The story of a small and conservative West-Flemish village opposing the construction of a bridge over the Scheldt.
All Rebels paints a picture of the young people who congregated around Amsterdam’s Leidseplein square in the days before wider protest...
All Rebels
The tribulations of an American GI during the Ardennes offensive and the people he encounters, keeps you riveted all the way through the unexpected...
The Enemies
In the winter of 1891 a stranger arrives in a small coastal town on the Isle of Man. His presence soon disturbs the lives of the local inhabitants,...
A young medical student observes his neighbour's love life through a hole in his apartment wall.
Documentary that looks back at 35 years of Dutch cinema, with Paul Verhoeven and others.
Hollywood by Bike
In the late 19th century, a young woman moves to Amsterdam with her family and tries to make a living. Preyed upon by various men, she nonetheless...
Katie Tippel
Cult icon Klaus Kinski features in this dark and intriguing existential thriller. He plays the mysterious "Swiss Man" - ruthless industrialist...
Aah... Tamara