On Friday night, the city was in a state of uproar. The names Bayartsengel, Jargal, and Naadam seemed to be calling for a show, and the three young...
Special Operation
The film begins when a woman spends the night at a film crew's house after her car breaks down on a rainy night. The film expresses the love and...
A Star Shining in the Heart
A girl who wants to find her father without telling her mother invites three men she thinks are her father to her wedding, leading to hilarious...
Mamma Mia
Even after 30 years, autumn has arrived, the fields are turning yellow just like in those days, and autumn work is in full swing. The taste of work...
The Unforgettable Autumn 2
A film made in memory of the border guard Sukhbaatar. While tracking down a border violator, a taiga chieftain finds that Suhee, who was shot and...
The Rope of the Heart