This British documentary shows the complex layers of legendary jazz trumpeter Miles Davis, who was a major innovator in post-bop, cool jazz, hard-bop...
The Miles Davis Story
Documentary narrated by Paul Winfield, this documentary follows the course of Mahalia Jackson's extraordinary life - from her humble beginnings as a...
Mahalia Jackson: The Power and the Glory
In a triumphant career that lasted forty years Erroll Garner pushed the playability of the piano to its limits, developed an international...
Erroll Garner: No One Can Hear You Read
From My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock to God Save the Queen, this is the story of ten records from the 1930s to the present day that have been...
Britain's Most Dangerous Songs: Listen to the Banned
Documentary about the 1970 film, "End of The Road."
An Amazing Time: A Conversation About End of the Road
Louis Armstrong is one of the most recognizable figures in jazz, with his incomparable trumpet playing and beaming smile. This video profiles...
The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong