This film tells the story of a love affair that takes place in the Northeast in the early 1990s. Xu Tie, a young and exuberant private minibus...
The Northeastern Bro 2: Endless Love
Northeast Love Brother
Mother Ji Peizhen (Xu Fan) is the soul of this family. She takes care of the family so well, it seems there is clones of her. The home looks orderly...
All About My Mother
Wonderful Chef
Hi, Brother
The tunnel collapse and a survival battle is about to begin. Struggling to escape the life-and-death situation, the game of human nature and the...
Dog Days Are Over
Newlyweds Lin Xiushan and Wang Rui, living apart due to work, seize a holiday for a loving journey by train where they meet diverse passengers and...
I Love You to the Moon and Back
Devastated after her mom's serious accident and grief-stricken because she hasn't become the daughter she wanted to be for her mother, Jia Xiaoling...
Hi, Mom
Sweet Trouble