Shadows and Faces tells the story of a young girl who is separated from his shadow puppetry performer father during the ethnic conflict between...
Shadows and Faces
Forty-year-old Günel, whose only passion in life is to photograph inanimate objects, meets an energetic and sympathetic Şefik during the...
Riza, a garbage man becomes obsessed in her old mother when he finds a woman's corpse in a garbage can. But someday he meets with his new neighbor,a...
Gerçek Kesit: Manyak
While serenading a wedding that quickly implodes, a nomadic musician falls for the bride, who runs afoul of her family. Now he has to save her life.
Haunted by the suspicious death of his ailing mother, Ali, a university professor coerces his enigmatic gardener to execute a cold-blooded act of...
The Things You Kill
A documentary about the filming session of the film “The Wild Pear Tree” by Nuri Bilge Ceylan… ‘The Wild Pear Tree’...
Making of The Wild Pear Tree
Tight Dress
Deniz goes to Izmir when she sees the danger of losing her great love Emre,who has not succeeded in forgetting. Melisa, who is competing to steal...
Everything Is Beautiful with You
Fresh out of university, a Turkish young man with literary aspirations returns to his home village, and to his father, a debt-ridden man with a...
The Wild Pear Tree
Müzeyyen is a 22-year-old high school senior living in Antalya who spends most of her time with a posse of misfits. She lives a drug-fuelled,...
There is a change when three friends living in the neighborhood continue their ordinary lives. The emergence of a mysterious stranger who has just...
At 2 Ela lost her ability of seeing and hearing because of a severe illness. And then she became a total disappointment of her family due to her...
Benim Dünyam
Three people from three different worlds... Three Others who become the unwitting cause of each others suffering...Three ordinary lives so tormented...
Full of Hunger
A fisherman, his wife and young daughter who is unable to speak lives in a village on the shores of a lake. Their story starts with a myth of a fish,...