In a remote northern village, a young girl, Yuri, is raised to never go outside after dark and to fear the reclusive forest creatures known as the...
The Legend of Ochi
Meg, a music manager, travels from New York to London to manage a boy band, Five Together, and find them a Christmas number one to bolster their...
A Christmas Number One
Rebecca, the daughter of missionary Lawrence Byrne, was declared a “miracle” after she survived a plane crash as a child, deep in the...
Luca is a strong-willed, soulful seven-year-old. After a two-year separation, her parents take her on a trip to pack up and sell their vacation home...
Dark Blue Girl
Three women, three different stories, one room in a psychiatric clinic. A strong and tumultuous relationship erupts among them, evolving into an...
Route B96
Wherever 9-year-old Benni ends up, she is expelled. She has become what child protection services call a “system crasher.” But she is not...
System Crasher
A Texan traveling across the wild West bringing the news of the world to local townspeople, agrees to help rescue a young girl who was kidnapped.
News of the World
Der gute Bulle
Baby Bitchka
16-year-old Sophie is accepted into an elite tennis academy in Spain. But the price for success as the best tennis player in the world is high and...
Bloody Tennis