Following the tragic death of his beloved wife, a retired underground brawler named Leone (Rafael Amaya) returns to the world of illegal street...
The Fighter
LA homicide detective Gene Handsome's knack for solving mysteries is matched only by his inability to make sense of his own problems.
Handsome: A Netflix Mystery Movie
In the annoyingly sparkly future-scape of Neo-Mega-Ultra Tokyo, reporter Holly Malone tracks a murderous urban legend. She discovers a chain of drug...
Frank DanCoolo: Paranormal Drug Dealer
When a troubled female detective investigates the group suicide of a class of Catholic School Girls, she stumbles upon a demonic plot to usurp the...
13 Girls
Meghan Doherty is a young, talented executive who neglects her mother and close friends to focus on one goal MAKING MONEY. After closing a...
God's Country
During a mission to colonize an alien planet, Officer Emma Fremont discovers that her crew have had their memories of Earth and their families...
An alien life form comes to Earth to help a young couple save their unborn child from the Darkside.