During China's Song Dynasty, a mysterious murder occurs at Chancellor Quin Hui's palace after meeting delegates from the neighboring Jin Dynasty. The...
Full River Red
The story of sharpshooter Zhang Taofang, a young army recruit who at age 22 sets a record during the Korean War by reportedly killing or wounding 214...
Dong Bin has opened a surfing shop by the sea where Xiao Fang started working. The young man, however, seems to be on the run from himself, not being...
Sonata of Wave
Chen Xiaozhou suffered an accident after falling out of love, and since then he has often seen large groups of “quacking” rubber ducks,...
Welcome to My Side
Di Renjie had just entered Dali Temple for a month, investigating a murder and corpse case, but suddenly a mysterious pattern appeared on the scene...
Detective Dee and Diagram of Reincarnation
Tells the story of prosecutor Han Ming who is involved in a difficult case where the intentional injury of people is turned into a legitimate defense.
Article 20