The arrival of gorgeous and enigmatic Luella Miller instantly disrupts the social balance of a small New Zealand town in this spine-tingling...
Luella Miller
In 1999, South African emigrant psychiatrist Colin Bouwer murdered his wife in what he thought was an undetectable manner. He was not counting on the...
A firefighter pilot blames himself for the death of his previous colleagues and gets a new assignment with a raging forest fire in Portland, Oregon,...
This drama tells the true story of the six Elim College students and their teacher who tragically lost their lives in a flash flood, a traumatic...
In a Flash
A discontented wife is seduced by eels - the keepers of the land. The mystic encounter draws her into the eels’ realm.
A true story. 1942. New Zealand is at war. Times are desperate. The Japanese invasion seems imminent. At this perilous moment, confidence trickster...
Spies and Lies
Café-owner Reg and photographer Julia become the unplanned guardians of their godson Waylon after his parents pass away.
Raising Waylon
Elaine "Ellie" Harrison has just moved from Minnesota to Annapolis, Maryland while her parents take a year-long sabbatical to continue their medieval...
Avalon High
For burned-out Seattle cop Daniel Pruitt, a camping trip turns hellish when his wife, Jessica, is savagely attacked in the forest. En route to the...
Blood Crime