The story revolves around a special piano that holds a precious secret. Many years ago, a man by the name of Arumugam receives a wooden box as a gift...
Rajathanthiram: The Piano
Pallavi is an independent woman who had struggling childhood and after so much of struggle she owned a Bakery (Pallavi Bakery) Adithya, a spoiled...
Pallavi Bakery
A guy who is about to get engaged and eventually get married, goes to an island for a holiday with his friends only to be entangled in unfortunate...
Dum Dum Dumeel
Plot unknown
Blood Brothers
Follows Inspector Khai, as he becomes desperate after an old grudge returns to haunt him threatening public with mysterious bombings.
Polis Evo 3
Aishwarya, a young and beautiful woman who is just starting college, is trying to move on from her previous relationship. So she is not interested...
A drug dealer finds himself in hot water when the merchandise he’s carrying for a local kingpin is lost. Fearing his vicious boss’...