Over a weekend in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, a random accident reverberates through the lives of both the local Muslims and Western...
The Forgiven
Naïm, a renowned anthropologist, wants to make a film on beautiful Mririda, a Berber poet and courtesan who mesmerizes him. At the brothel where...
Femme écrite
Casablanca, July 1999. With longtime monarch Hassan II on his deathbed, there is an air of uncertainty weighing on Morocco - and especially on one...
The End
The fate of a hapless child that evolves according to the different stages of his life.
Short Life
A chronicle of Gertrude Bell's life, a traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, and political attaché for the British Empire...
Queen of the Desert
The Pilgrims
In the dark, throbbing world of underground raves, people are vanishing without a trace and Detective Hank Holten is the only one who knows the...
Vampires: Out For Blood
Set in the days leading to betrayal, a gathering of disciples unravels into a web of secrets and hidden motives.
The Last Supper