In the early 19th century, Dr. Frankenstein discovers the secret of life – how to create a perfect man – powerful, intelligent and immune...
Haley is a wealthy heiress known for her acts of kindness. Haley meets hopeless romantic Claud, and she keeps her wealthy family a secret. When Claud...
Much Ado About Christmas
An earthquake destroys a Russian Nuclear Power plant.
Nature Unleashed: Earthquake
The illegitimate son of Inspector Clouseau is on the case of the kidnapped Princess Yasmin.
Son of the Pink Panther
Maddie's dream guy is days away from marrying her best friend when a wish for true love made on an ancient stone in Ireland magically alters her fate.
Irish Wish
Identicals is a highly unconventional romantic thriller: an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into the looping logic of a nightmare.
The profound story of Lucy Temerlin, a female chimpanzee raised as human from birth in a domestic environment, and Janis Carter, the woman who took...
Lucy the Human Chimp
The life and times of Tommy Cooper
Tommy Cooper: Not Like That, Like This