This tale tells the story of female police cadets training to join the Hollywood vice squad. During training, the toothsome rookies are assigned to...
Vice Academy
When a criminal female named Spanish Fly threatens to contaminate the city water with aphrodisiacs, it is up to a duo of attractive female police...
Vice Academy Part 2
"To Protect and Serve" takes on a whole new meaning when the Vice Academy girls are on the case. Candy and her new partner Samantha are back in an...
Vice Academy 4
What starts as a dirty computer game, becomes a hilarious series of crimes, when the commissioner's son, Irwin, accidentally unleashes a Virtual...
Vice Academy 5
Vice cops Candy and Traci accidentally meet the bikini robbers who are armed with assault weapons in a bank. The thieves escape with loot after a...
Vice Academy Part 6
A snooty female production assistant and an eager gopher at a TV station are assigned by their boss to locate a mysterious cassette. They quickly...
Marked for Murder
Brash and gutsy stripper Bettina and mousy secretary Jeannie are framed for a murder they didn't commit. The radically contrasting distaff duo go on...
Good Girls Don't
Interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of the first three Vice Academy films.
B-Movie Queens Revealed
A group of misfit U.S. Army soldiers are chosen to represent their base at the annual war games competition where they are not expected to win.
The Shooters