The life story of Vicente Miguel Carceller (1890-1940), a Spanish editor committed to freedom who, through his weekly magazine La Traca, connected...
Carceller, the Man Who Died Twice
Manuela de Fora, an elegant woman, widow of Pajares, lives with the sole obsession of marrying well her two daughters from her second marriage,...
Arroz y tartana
In present day Spain, between the fixed races at the greyhound track, in a world of outsiders, a love triangle begins between Perla, Fabio and Lillo....
Javi is a teenage student so shy and clumsy that he does not know how to attract the attention of his classmate Sara, a geeky girl who is only...
It tells the story of Manuela and José. Even though they are delighted with taking care of their grandchildren, they are a bit fed up with no...
¡Vaya vacaciones!
Ever since Pedro confessed to his parents his sexual status, unable to remove it from the head, even he imagined his parents in the most embarrassing...
Nowhere Without My Parents
Spain, 1970s. While a cruel dictatorship rules an eternally grey country through fear, violence, repression and censorship, María, a young...
My Heart Goes Boom!
De sucre